Sanskrit Glossary: the Secret to All Yoga Asanas

Master these Sanskrit words for a deeper knowledge of the Yoga Asanas

Understanding the Sanskrit names of the yoga asanas is not only for the professionals, it also brings in the true, traditional and simple nature of yoga into your practice.

Below we have provided a comprehensive Glossary providing a break down of all the Sanskrit phrases you will need in order to understand the yoga asana names, as well as some of the most popular phrases to help you to easily identify their meaning in your practice.

Yoga – stems from the Sanskrit word yuj which literally translates as; to unite, join, or harness. Yoga is understood to mean “union” of the body, the mind and the spirit, or that a person’s consciousness and universal consciousness are united through yoga. Union in yoga represents the connection between the physical body, the mind, and the eternal or ‘soul’ qualities.

GLOSSARY – Position/Gesture/Asana

GLOSSARY – Numbers


GLOSSARY – Meaning

GLOSSARY – Adjective/Verb

GLOSSARY – Elements

Now that you have grasped the meaning behind the most important yoga asana words in Sanskrit, you are well on your way to a deeper understanding of the traditional, true nature of yoga.

To learn all of the complete Sanskrit Yoga Pose names see the YOGA POSE | SANSKRIT ASANA GLOSSARY

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All tables & images Credit: © Yoga Living Daily

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